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Alright, this is my embarkment of mini projects! (which hopefully would be consistent haha) I'll probably be tackling some stuff that I'm interested in, like lighting and compositing, or things that may aid animating.

I was thinking of doing cut-out animation on Toon Boom as a kick-start, as that's something I've always wanted to try on, however, I decided to improve on my 3D animation skills first, as that's something I'm more familiar with. With that, I'm going to attempt and brush up/start from scratch some body mechanics that I've done previously.

I've went on to find out some of the body mechanics exercises that I could probably attempt on and found a long list on the forums of 11 Seconds Club here.

Under the 'Basic Section', I've done most of them in school, except one that's 'Hopscotch'. That seemed interesting, so I will be attempting to do that first!

Here are some examples of what hopscotch is:

For now, I'll be looking for video references or maybe filming my own. If all goes well, I'll be able to start blocking by next week. :)

'Til then!

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